Adopt a school
Adopt a district
Adopt a program
Start today
To bring Life Changing Experiences programs to your school is easy! CPRHelp has made it easy, painless, and resource free for schools to save teen lives and create productive young adults.
1. Contact CPRHelp this online form or telephone call.
2. Cooperate with CPRHelp to recruit all of the high schools and middle schools in your district.
3. CPRHelp will find a donor to provide the LCE programs to all of your students for FREE.
4. Reserve your auditorium.
5. Work with CPRHelp to schedule your students.
Contact CPRHelp today and introduce your students to the most exciting and important Edutainment programs that will save their lives and help them become productive young adults.

Take Part
For just $6 per student (in avarage), you can save a teen and create a successful young adult! The demand is great. More than 12 million teens in America face the life endangering societal pressures that the LCE programs address. You can help them navigate the choices and become successful young adults by funding the school districts most near and dear to your heart and/or the mission of your foundation.
Sponsoring a school district is easy!
1. Contact CPRHelp
2. Work with CPRHelp to recruit your favorite school district.
CPRHelp will do the rest. We will make all arrangements with the school district and match your donation directly to the students you have chosen.
* $6 is an estimate per student depends on the school size.