The “Planet Home” program brings to life critical environmental issues like global warming, limited energy sources and overconsumption of natural resources. Students see firsthand how the consumption habits of human’s effect our environment and learn valuable ways to counter these effects through recycling and good environmental stewardship. Stirred by memorable theme-park quality multisensory visual and audio technology, students demonstrate a newfound leadership and commitment to better environmental stewardship
LCE suggests the following:
• Recycling
• Responsible consumption of natural resources
• Energy-saving practices
• Renewable energy tactics

Impact Reaserch
Planet Home is an eye-opening adventure around the world exploring the harmful impact of climate change, the greenhouse effect and over-consumption on our planet. It also explains how recycling, water conservation and energy efficiency can help humankind live in harmony with our one and only Planet Earth.
LCE program provide educators with an interactive resource based on reliable research and effective practices.
The results below are based on screenings to approximately 250,000 7th grade students executed in Israel, Mexico and USA where Planet Home has been incorporated in student curriculum. The program shows a significant change in the students’ stands regarding environment
How important is environmental protection to
our nation’s priorities?

After the show, the students change their opinion about the importance of the environmental protection to our nation's priorities. 29% of those who expressed a negative opinion have changed their stand in this issue.
Do You / Will you throw plastic bottles in
designated collection containers?

52% of those who said they do not throw plastic bottle in designate collection container, change their intention after the show toward a more pro-environmental responsible behavior.
Students say:
“Now, I am more aware of the environment protection issues”
“I have learned the global perspective, not only my immediate home surroundings”
“It was different form a lecture or a regular movie, it was an interesting way of learning”
“I would recommend it to my family to see it, we can all learn”
Teachers Say:
"They need to think and it is competitive… it is what they need for learning… interactive features fits the student desire to be active.""It is an excellent, amazing and attractive program."